Welcome to ETIS

Tangible interaction is a research field addressing areas at the border of the physical and the digital. Nowadays many researchers, designers, developers and artists work in this area and a vast range of products and applications are designed and produced accordingly. Besides, many research projects are funded through research funds at a European and international level.

The aim of this meeting is to gather young European researchers in our field, to get them in touch with internationally renowned researchers and to establish networks for their future. This summer school is a follow-up of the previous editions held in Bidart (2013), Fribourg (2016) and Luxembourg (2017) and will be a unique opportunity to train in the field of tangible interaction and to discuss your research with professors and other young researchers.

We encourage the participation of researchers with different backgrounds from both academic and applied/industrial research. The studio will include voices from enterprises and private research institutions working in the field of tangible interaction. We aim to provide participants with insights for applied research possibilities, in order to bring tangible interaction principles out of the lab, in the everyday use.

Senior researchers from the industry and internationally known professors will introduce different topics related to tangible interaction from their different points of view.

During ETIS 2020, participants will have the opportunity to present their research, receive feedback, and enjoy practical activities for designing and developing tangible user interfaces. The studio will cover several aspects of tangible interaction related to prototyping and digital fabrication, wearables, Internet of Things, 3D interfaces, mixed and augmented reality, and other related domains.

There is a lot of room for informal exchange and discussion. The focus of ETIS 2020 will be on meeting interesting people in a friendly, inspiring, and multicultural atmosphere.

Save the dates !

  • Paper submission deadline: February 10, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2020
  • Registration deadline: April 15, 2020
  • ETIS Workshop, Siena: May 25-29, 2020

The CEUR proceedings of ETIS 2020 will be available here: http://ceur-ws.org/


ETIS 2020 Organizers

  • Prof. Patrizia Marti: General chair (University of Siena)
  • Annamaria Recupero: Program chair (University of Siena)
  • Dr. Valérie Maquil: Scientific Editor (LIST, Luxembourg)
  • Giuliana Pasquini: Local organization (University of Siena)
  • Matteo Sirizzotti, Flavio Lampus and Simone Guercio: technical support and logistics (University of Siena)
  • Nadine Pehau: Webmaster (ESTIA Insitute of Technology)

ETIS Steering Committee

  • Prof. Nadine Couture (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI)
  • Prof. Elena Mugellini (HES-SO, HumanTech)

ETIS Studio financially and scientifically supported by

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